Current Opportunities

MHA Volunteers are an integral part of the circle of care for our patients and are truly respected and appreciated.

Volunteers enhance many of the programs and services we offer at both of our hospital sites and provide critical support to staff, patients, and families. You will see volunteers throughout our hospitals escorting patients from one department to another or assisting staff in nursing units, outpatient programs, rehabilitation services, and many other areas. 

Interested in joining our team?

Step 1: Email MHA’s Volunteer Resource Specialist, Meg Sattin at and request an MHA Volunteer Application.

Step 2: Complete your Application and email it back to us. We will be back in touch within a few days to discuss our current volunteer opportunities and to schedule an interview.

Volunteering at Middlesex Hospital Alliance

The MHA welcomes volunteers of all ages who would like to help and any amount of time that you can contribute is greatly appreciated.  

All MHA Volunteers are required to:

  • Complete and submit an application form 
  • Interview with MHA’s Volunteer Resource Specialist 
  • Participate in an MHA Health Review
  • Provide a Police Record Check
  • Attend a half-day general orientation

Volun-Teen Program

We also have a volunteer program specifically for teens that helps them fulfil the community involvement volunteer hours they need to graduate. Volun-Teen Volunteers must:

  • Be 14-18 years of age
  • Be attending high school
  • Commit to 40 hours of volunteer time
  • Have parental consent if under 18 years
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