Patient Experience


The MHA’s Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)

The Middlesex Hospital Alliance (MHA) established a Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC) in 2022 which advises us on how to improve the patient & family experience at MHA.

Patient and Family Advisory Councils play a role in helping hospitals to become more patient- and family-centered. The Council provides an opportunity for patients and families to partner with hospital staff members, leaders and physicians to shape decisions and influence change. Patient and Family Advisors share their unique experiences and use their informed perspectives to advise on quality improvements, planning and evaluation of services across MHA to enable positive impacts on the delivery of health care and the patient experience.

The MHA’s Patient Declaration of Values

In 2010, the Province of Ontario introduced the Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA) which states that every health care organization will have a publicly available Patient Declaration of Values developed in consultation with the public.

In order to make sure these values reflect what matters most to our patients and their families when accessing health care, we asked our MHA Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC) for input into the redesign of what was formerly known as the “MHA Patient Rights and Responsibilities”. This feedback played an important role in the development of what is now called our “Patient Declaration of Values – My Rights and Responsibilities”, and highlights the partnership between us and our patients/families.

The MHA is committed to being an organization that provides education and support to patients and their families to better inform their decision making and facilitate participation in their own care. According to Dawn Butler, Past Co‐Chair of the Patient Family Advisory Council, “the Patient Declaration of Values reflects how we want to act while at our hospitals, and how we expect staff working at the hospital to treat us. The Council is extremely proud of our contribution to this very important piece of work”.

    Click here for a print version of the Patient Declaration of Values – My Rights and Responsibilities

We Welcome Your Feedback

At MHA we are committed to providing Exceptional Care to our patients and families. To us, this means we will partner with you and those who are supporting you through your care journey to improve your care experience. We are eagerly seeking your feedback about your recent care experience at MHA and to learn how it we could have made it better.

Following an Emergency room visit or inpatient stay you can expect to receive an electronic survey by email, if you consented to this when you registered. Thank you so much for completing the survey! It only takes about a minute to complete. We take your feedback very seriously and your responses help us to improve the way we deliver care.

Aside from providing your feedback on the survey, you can also always write to us about your experience at our hospitals by emailing:

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