The Adult Day Program
(FCHS Site only) operates on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 10am – 3pm and includes hot lunch, whirlpool bath (for an additional fee of $35), health checks, crafts, activities, music and guest speakers. Cost is just $13 per day. For more information, please contact Amanda Starling, 519-693-4441 ext 2443.
Friendly Visiting
This program offered by the VON matches volunteers with seniors for occasional home visits. For information, please contact the VON at 519-245-3170 or 1-800-265-7058.
Get Fit! Program (FCHS)
A Fitness Program offered by the physiotherapy department combines weight training and cardiovascular exercise in a circuit format. Each individual is taught safe exercise technique and given thorough instruction on how to weight train and use the equipment properly. Contact the physiotherapy department at 519-693-6501 (between 8:30AM – 4:30PM) for times and dates. Cost is $5.00 per class.
Meals on Wheels
In partnership with VON, hot meals are made available through the MHA’s Nutrition and Food Services departments together with other community meal providers. Coordinated by the VON, and delivered by a team of community volunteers throughout the week, these hot meals are available to seniors and adults with disabilities throughout Middlesex County and beyond. For more information, please call the VON Meals on Wheels program at 519-245-3170 or 1-800-265-7058.
Supportive Housing Program (FCHS)
The Supportive Housing program is for residents at Four Counties Community Villa (adjacent to the FCHS). The program offers personal care and homemaking assistance, by qualified Personal Support Workers, enabling the frail elderly and people experiencing disability to remain safely in their homes for as long as possible. For information, contact Linda Dunn, 519-693-7111 ext 2478.
Need a Ride to these Support Programs?
The Four Counties Community Transit System operates a wheel-chair accessible bus available to the residents of the Four Counties area, including the counties of Elgin, Kent, Lambton and Middlesex. To reach dispatch or for more information, call 519-358-8129.
The cost to take the Four Counties Transit bus is $7 one way. Trips can be dispatched through the program contacts also.