MHA Big Dot Scorecard Quality Performance Level Targets

PDFView the Big Dot Performance Scorecard 


The Middlesex Hospital Alliance Board of Directors heard a presentation about “Big Dot” Metrics at the last Board meeting. The Hospitals’ are embarking on measuring quality performance as part of the Quality Improvement Plan.

Mary Robertson, Patient Services Project Lead and Decision Support, told the Board, “The Board is ultimately responsible for overseeing quality throughout the organization.”  She went on to explain that “the Metrics for the Big Dot are based on the 5 goals outlined in the Strategic Plan; access, quality, people, safety and fiscal responsibility. These indicators are made up of bundles of many related little dot indicators which measure the overall quality of an organization and relate back to the core issues that are most vital to the organization’s broader strategic objectives.”

“The MHA has set its Quality Performance Level at a target level of ≥ 85%, which is very aggressive,” says Nancy Maltby, Chief Operating Officer.  She went on to explain that “performance target achievements are colour coded green, yellow or red on the MHA Strategic Plan Big Dot, with an explanation for the rating of the targets.  Quarterly results are posted on the MHA web site in accordance with current legislation.”

According to Maltby, the process is ongoing.  “Indicators are monitored regularly to ensure we are continuing to provide high quality care to our patients. And that’s what it’s all about, providing appropriate quality health care for the communities we serve.”

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