The Middlesex Hospital Alliance is supported by two foundations that raise funds for our hospitals. Your donation helps us provide quality health care to those we serve.

Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation
Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to raising funds for the delivery of quality health care. The SMGH Foundation was incorporated with the objective to manage, receive and encourage donations that support the needs of the hospital.
Charitable Registration: 13297 4270 RRR0001
Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation
395 Carrie St
Strathroy, ON N7G 3J4
Phone: 519-246-5906
Fax: 519-245-5353

Four Counties Health Services Foundation
The Four Counties Health Services Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization working to strengthen Four Counties Health Services’ ability to provide the highest quality of care to patients in the Four Counties area.
Charitable Registration: 11892 9546 RR0001
Four Counties Health Services Foundation
RR3 1824 Concession Drive
Newbury, ON N0L 1Z0
Phone: 519-693-4441 x.2501