
Your privacy is very important to us. The Middlesex Hospital Alliance is committed to keeping your personal and health information safe and confidential. We regularly review and revise our privacy policies and procedures to ensure the protection of your information.

What Type of Information Do We Collect about You?

To provide you with quality health care, we collect both personal and health information from you.

Your name, date of birth, address, Health Card Number and extended health insurance numbers are examples of personal information. Your health history, the records of your visits to the hospital, and what health care we provide to you during those visits are examples of your health information.

How is Your Information Used?

The information we collect from you is used:

  • To provide you with quality health care and follow up care in the community.
  • To carry out quality assurance to help make us better.
  • For patient satisfaction surveys to see how we are doing.
  • To comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • For fundraising for equipment and facilities to provide you with the most modern health care services.
  • For education and research to keep current health care practitioners up to date and to train new health care practitioners for the future

If your information is to be used for any other purpose, your specific permission would be required first.

Personal Health Information Request

To request a copy of your personal health information, please contact the Health Records Department to discuss your request.

There is a fee for requests for copies of personal health information and we will be able to determine what the amount will be once we understand what information is being requested.  The attached form can be completed and faxed to the Health Records Department at the appropriate site.

Strathroy site – 519-245-1550 ext 5949
FCHS Site – 519-693-4441 ext 2430

You will be asked to provide positive identification before the copies will be released.

For more information contact the Privacy Officer at: (519) 245-5295 x.5857 or x5529 or email:

To view our Breach of Privacy Policy, click here.

To view the Public Notice of a Privacy Breach of Health Information we released on June 6, 2024, click here.

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